As a part of the ongoing World No Tobacco Day Campaign, IMA Chandigarh members pledge to support their patients with Tobacco Cessation
As a part of the ongoing World No Tobacco Day Campaign

As a part of the ongoing World No Tobacco Day Campaign, IMA Chandigarh members pledge to support the

As a part of the ongoing World No Tobacco Day Campaign, IMA Chandigarh members pledge to support their patients with Tobacco Cessation

Chandigarh 23rd May 2022:

As a part of the World, No Tobacco Day (WNTD) Campaign Indian Medical Association (IMA) Chandigarh members pledged to support their patients for Tobacco Cessation. Dr. Vivek  Malhotra

Hon State  Secretary IMA Chandigarh said that the annual campaign on WNTD is an opportunity to raise awareness of the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure, and to discourage the use of tobacco in any form and the focus of WNTD 2022 is on "Tobacco - a threat to our environment." He further explained that Tobacco growing, manufacturing, and use poison our water, soil, beaches, and city streets with chemicals, toxic waste, cigarette butts, including microplastics, and e-cigarette waste. He also appreciated the presentation of Dr. Devendra Singh Bisht, a Cardiologist regarding Atrial Fibrillation which can be very incapacitating and dangerous if not treated on time by medications or ablation.
Dr. Rakesh Gupta, President & Director of Public Health, Strategic Institute for Public Health Education & Research (SIPHER) who administered the No Tobacco pledge to the members informed us that Tobacco Control is important and everyone is a stakeholder as It kills 13.5 lakh persons/year in India, It is a preventable cause of Non-Communicable diseases,40% of all cancers,95%of oral cancers and 90% of male and 79% of female lung cancers are attributed to tobacco. He added that all the medical professionals including dental surgeons and paramedical professionals must ask all their patients about the usage of tobacco, briefly advise and also give cessation advice to make people quit this dangerous addiction, which is a gateway to other serious addictions.

Dr. Rajan Chugh, Vice President of IMA elaborated that, the harmful impact of the tobacco industry on the environment is vast and growing adding unnecessary pressure to our planet’s already scarce resources and fragile ecosystems. He added that a social media campaign is being carried out in collaboration with SIPHER to sensitize the general public and medical professionals to promote tobacco cessation.

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